Meet the Expert

Meet Angus, Founder of Limitless Travel

“I didn’t want to let muscular dystrophy change my sense of adventure.”

There are some conversations you don’t forget.

I was 23, working as a banker in London, feeling young and invincible, as you do at that age. But a routine check-in I had with my doctor changed all that in a morning. I was diagnosed with MD and told that one day I would need a wheelchair. The news was devastating, but it gifted me a new perspective that my banking salary couldn’t afford.

I quit my job, bought the largest backpack I could find, and set off to discover a world that might one day be cut off from me. My wife and I travelled across 35 countries.

It was beautiful and actualizing. But as we climbed Machu Picchu and canoed through Vietnam, I noticed my mobility worsening. I needed a walking stick, and some routes just plain hurt. It gradually dawned on me that the world was not set up for disabled travel and things would only get harder.



When I returned to the UK, I sat down with a notepad and wrote down my plans for an accessible world. Those ideas became the Limitless vision, enabling the wider disabled community to travel with confidence. We started with a coach tour to Blackpool, and now 8 years later we are taking Limitless travellers to all corners of the world. The only question is, where do you want to go?

Have a watch of the video below to hear more about my story.

Thanks & Best Wishes

Angus Drummond 
CEO & FOUNDER of Limitless Travel

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