New Deal Europe: The Academy

New Deal Europe is focused on developing tourism to the Balkan region of Europe.

New Deal Europe was founded in 2018 by Balkan travel experts, Tine Murn and Robert Dee. They said this about OTT:

“We started New Deal Europe because we have a passion for the Balkan region of Europe. Supported by our partners in the region, the OTT New Deal Europe Academy brings this exciting and relatively undiscovered region of Europe closer to you and your clients, encouraging people to experience all it has to offer."

"Here you will find modules from tourism providers based in the Balkans region, from Slovenia down to Greece, giving you in depth knowledge of the products on offer. Please check out our own module too, which will give you an introduction to the entire region."

"We hope this academy will raise awareness of the great range of experiences and holidays the Balkans can offer, and will help you to sell some unforgettable Balkan based trips to your clients.”