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The most flexible, simple and rewarding agent incentive programme ever!

Join SuperSeller, the frontline agent loyalty programme from Etihad Airways, and get rewarded on every ticket you sell.

Earn Etihad Guest Miles on all tickets issued in The Residence, First, Business and Economy Class, and you can then redeem your miles for fantastic items at our online Reward Shop. Alternatively, you could even convert your Etihad Guest Miles to cash with PointsPay and use at over 30 million online and instore outlets worldwide.

Unique features

- Generous incentives: Earn miles on every tickets, regardless of cabin. Miles are offered on all routes across our global network.

- Flexible rewards: Redeem your miles for a range of products and services at our Etihad Guest Reward Shop online, or convert your miles into cash using PointsPay to spend in over 30 million online and instore outlets worldwide.

- Live tracking: Log on to and check miles earned any time.

- Long lasting miles: Compared with the average loyalty programme, Etihad Guest Miles go much further with SuperSeller - they stay active for two years.

Registration is simple

•Simply click here to access the form and enter the required details

•Non-IATA agent? You can now also join SuperSeller! The form will ask you to fill in an IATA code. When requested simply input 9999999 which will enable two additional fields to be completed. In these two additional fields complete with your pseudo city code and select an appropriate GDS from the dropdown list.

For any reason you are unable to register, please send an email with agency name, address, city, country, PCC (pseudo city code) and GDS details to



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